How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper: do it right

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper
How to wean a cat to tear wallpaper

How to wean a cat to scratch the wallpaper? Scratching is the natural behavior of cats. They do this when they play, warm up, leave a threatening signal to other cats. Their claws need regular sharpening, so they scratch any objects to remove the worn outer layers of the claws. Often this brings significant damage to furniture, curtains, wall coverings. How to wean a cat to scratch the wallpaper, the article will tell.

The main causes of this behavior

Scratching is the normal thing cats do.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Cats need to do something, like any person. Sitting for a long time alone, they will become bored, which usually ends in troubles: they themselves find things to do, and more often than not, it will be a spoilage of the owner’s things.
  • Active animalwho is deprived of long walks or games, is trying to make his life diverse:
  1. Scratching furniture or wallpaper
  2. unwind rolls of toilet paper;
  3. knock down items placed on shelves;
  4. sometimes cats, in order to spend time as much as possible, find food in the trash can, increasing their weight, which is dangerous for their health.
  • Sharpening claws. The cat genetically, like all cats, instilled the instinct of the hunter. With constant growth, the claws begin to exfoliate, interfere with it, which makes them quickly get rid of them.
  • Exercise that strengthens the muscles. In nature, cats use tree trunks, which indoors replace the wallpaper on the walls and furniture. Especially vulnerable are wallpapers that cannot be protected by anything, but only try to solve the issue of how to wean a cat to wean scratch the wallpaper or even tear it. What remains after that can be seen in the photo.
The cat tore off the wallpaper
The cat tore off the wallpaper
  • Expression by animals of their emotions.
  • Marking your territory, which is associated with the presence of sweat glands on the pads of the paws, leaving traces of their smell on wallpaper or furniture.
  • When scratching a favorite chair or other furniture of its owner, the cat expresses his love for himperceiving it as his own.

Tip: No scaring or scolding an animal for its pranks will save the wallpaper or other objects from its claws - this is a natural necessity. To protect the interior, inventiveness and investment must be made.

How to communicate with cats better

When purchasing a fluffy pet, you need to understand that a cat is a freedom-loving and fairly independent animal. Threats and prohibitions to win its location is simply impossible. Only affection and good education can ensure the friendly coexistence of a person with a cat.


  • You need to let your pets freely explore the room, sometimes move wherever they want.
  • If it is possible for a cat or cat to go outside, they can sharpen their claws on a tree. Such actions should be encouraged, which will prevent damage to furniture and wallpaper.

Tip: You should always be patient and treat the nature of pets with understanding. For self-love, the cat will definitely reciprocate and will thank its owner with a purr.

Ways you can wean a cat to scratch a wallpaper indoors

How to wean a cat from scratching a wallpaper?

There are a number of ways to do this:

  • Purchase and hang a claw tip. Such a device can be made with your own hands. It should be borne in mind:
  1. the placement of the device should be comfortable for the cat;
  2. height, for the location of the claw point, should optimally match the growth of the animal;
  3. the product must be firmly fixed to withstand sufficient pressure from the cat;
  4. the material on the outer layer should be of medium hardness and the same roughness, similar to a tree bark. The best option is a sisal rope, you can use other materials.
Cat scratching post
Cat scratching post

Cats are the owners of the apartment, so you should not be limited to one place for them. And if several animals live in the house, it is better to install several clawpaws in places where they like to be most.

Scratching post for two cats
Scratching post for two cats

Tip: In order for the cat to quickly get used to the new part for its pleasures, it should be treated with compounds that will attract the animal with smells. It can be a solution of their favorite valerian or motherwort.

How to wean a kitten to tear wallpaper?

For this:

  • different voice intonation is used. As soon as the kitten wants to tear off the wallpaper, you need to sharply and loudly shout at him: “You can’t!” or not!". Kids quickly get used to the intonation of the voice, and in the future there will be no particular problems in the upbringing of the animal;
  • you can buy a special rattle or make one yourself: pour coins or small pebbles into a tin can and rattle it every time to scare the cat away.

Tip: You should never scold a cat after harming furniture or wallpaper. The animal should be punished only in the first seconds after the application of Skoda, so that it is clear what it is punished for.

  • balloons are good for scaring away. They are placed close to the subject, about which the cat usually sharpens its claws so that it touches the ball with its claws, and it burst. The cat will be afraid of the sound of a bursting ball and will depart.

How to wean a kitten to scratch a wallpaper with a spray bottle of liquid? As soon as he wants to start scratching something in the wrong place, you need to slightly spray water on him. This will absolutely not hurt your pet. But you need to do this at the moment when he just began to scratch the wallpaper, so that the animal associated such unpleasant sensations precisely with its incorrect actions.

Cats cannot tolerate certain odors, such as:

  • citrus;
  • table vinegar;
  • regular onion.

It is better to use a mixture of citrus oil, onions in the room create an unpleasant odor for people, and table vinegar disappears quickly enough.

The instruction for preparing the mixture is very simple: equal parts of any aromatic oils are mixed:

  1. eucalyptus and orange;
  2. lemon or mandarin.

The composition is poured into a container on which a spray is installed and sprayed onto wallpaper, furniture or other items. With this method, you can keep the cat from scratching furniture or walls, and fill the room with a pleasant aroma.

Drawing a flavored composition on the wallpaper
Drawing a flavored composition on the wallpaper
  • How to wean a kitten to tear the wallpaper? Sticky surfaces can be used for this. Kittens and adult cats cannot tolerate the sticky feeling. To protect objects from scratching, double-sided tape is glued to places that attract the animal. You can use specially manufactured adhesive tape Sticky Paws or sticky paws, which is a sticky tape, you can place it on wallpaper, curtains on windows, carpets, furniture upholstery. It is absolutely not noticeable, and it will not harm the interior details.
  • It helps to scratch the wallpaper and trim the claws of the cat. The sharp part of the claw of a pet is trimmed very carefully and carefully so as not to accidentally harm it. For this, only special scissors are used. The sharp part of the claws is sheared at a certain angle to the desired length.
Claw Scissors
Claw Scissors

Tip: Do not use dog scissors to trim your cat’s claws. This is due to the difference in their shape of the claws. After carrying out such a procedure, it is necessary to praise and encourage the pet so that trimming the claws does not cause him pain.

  • You can always keep the doors tightly closed so that the cat cannot open them and enter the room.

Details how to wean the cat to tear the wallpaper, the video shows.

We must not forget that for a cat, honing her claws is a natural instinct, and this cannot be avoided. Over time, the kitten will become accustomed to sharpening claws only in a specially designated place and leave the wallpaper, furniture and other items alone, the price of which is much higher than any of the above methods.

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