How to wean a dog nibble wallpaper: do it right

Gusevsky Andrey Anatolyevich

How to wean a dog to tear wallpaper
How to wean a dog to tear wallpaper

How to wean a puppy nibble wallpaper? Who doesn’t know that a dog is a man’s best friend? Many people acquire this kind creature for home. However, remaining alone in the house, without owners, often enough, the animal behaves inappropriately.

One of his favorite activities is to gnaw at all things falling into his field of vision, including wallpaper on the walls. How to make toys for dogs with your own hands, an article will tell.

Why dogs gnaw wallpapers and things

Dogs, and especially puppies, tend to try all kinds of objects “by the tooth,” they take into their teeth everything that lies in their way. This is a habit that absolutely does not please their owners. An ordinary Pekingese or a Rottweiler can easily find hundreds of items that are quite expensive, and by appointment they are very necessary for the owner of the house, and begin to gnaw them. In this case, the owner of the dog must punish his pet each time, but there will be an uncountable number of such punishments per day, which will turn the life of the animal into eternal punishment, and its owner will lead to nervous breakdowns.

But what about when there is no person in the house? After receiving a bashing for inappropriate behavior, the pet concludes: it is necessary to bite things or even 3d wallpaper for walls in the absence of people! And when punished, every time the owner returns home for the committed "crimes" in his absence, the dog will begin to rejoice not at the arrival, but at the departure of the owner!

Tip: It is necessary for the dog to instill that it is possible to nibble everything permitted by the owner, even in his presence. It’s difficult for her to explain, it’s even impossible that you can’t tear off wallpaper for walls 3d or other things you need in the house, but you must do this when the dog is still a puppy.

The problem can be solved very simply - to switch the attention of the animal to specially purchased items-toys that are designed to crack, but you need to choose them correctly.

One may be disappointed that having acquired half the assortment of the pet store, and then dumping this pile in front of the dog, the problem will be solved:

  • Dogs cannot read labels.
  • They will not be able to understand that this good is acquired for their teeth.
  • The animal may decide to put these objects aside for dessert, first eat 3D wallpaper for the walls, the owner’s slippers or fringe from the carpet.

Tip: Your dog should be trained to chew only permitted things, it does not matter if it is a puppy or an adult animal, it must be properly taught to entertain yourself without leaving one unattended.

Often there are cases when the owner is at home, and the dog does its “black deeds” slowly, for example:

  • The owner of the animal became interested in reading the first volume of "War and Peace", and the pet at this time was chewing on the sofa, as in the photo.
"Entertainment" dogs
  • The owner is busy weeding the beds, and the dog "dines" with his fur coat.
  • A man cleans the house, and his pet destroys the equipment for the garden, "biting" while planted seedlings.

It is useless to get angry at an animal that is not trained in the rules, let alone punish for tricks, it is better to train the dog in time and watch it periodically. In the absence of such an opportunity, leaving the apartment, the dog should be left where she can not do much harm, but at the same time provide her with the opportunity to entertain herself with a large number of attractive and interesting toys purchased for her.

How to draw a dog’s attention to a toy

From an early age, any animal needs to be trained to play only with items specially designated for it.

To increase interest in them you need:

  • Waving a toy in front of a dog's nose.
  • Throw the item so that the pet runs after it.
  • Tie the toy to the rope, pull it, creating the illusion of a "running away" toy.
  • Hide the item to entertain the dog with his quest.

Tip: You should always follow when training a dog, its behavior indoors and praise for playing with permitted things. Immediately you should switch the attention of the animal to toys as soon as it is interested in unwanted objects and be sure to encourage if the pet obeyed.

How to choose toys for dogs

It is a mistake to think that only puppies play with toys. Adult pets also play with them with great pleasure, they have loved ones with whom the animals do not part even when they sleep.

Favorite dog toys
Favorite dog toys

Dog toys are required to:

  • They did not spoil things when teeth change or because of boredom. It is better for the pet to have fun with a rubber toy than the owner’s boot, comb, or child’s toys. In addition, there are toys on sale that are specifically designed for cleaning the teeth of an animal.
  • Keeping your pet in good physical shape: many dog ​​breeds need a lot of activity, and when playing with the subject, normal physical activity is provided, better than a regular walk on a leash.
  • To teach to execute some commands: “Aport!”, To develop discipline in a pet. In some cases, when lowering the dog from the leash, it is difficult to call her to her, or she runs away from the owner. However, knowing that the person has his favorite toy, the pet will be located next to him, expecting that he will be allowed to play with it. But in this case, you can’t deceive the dog’s expectations, but play with it.

In pet stores you can choose and purchase a lot of different toys for dogs.

It can be:

  • Balls of different sizes.
  • Rope toys - "bummers".
  • Toys made of rubber and latex of various shapes and sizes with or without tweeters.

The range of products and the choice is very large, it all depends on the capabilities of the owner and the preferences of the animal.

Tip: When purchasing toys for a dog, it should be borne in mind that they should be interesting for the pet, and most importantly safe.

For the manufacture of toys commonly used:

  • Vinyl.
  • Environmentally friendly rubber.
  • Latex.
  • Bright plastic.
  • Natural wood.
  • Other non-toxic materials safe for animals.

Tip: Do not buy rubber toys, the price of which is small. Usually they have a very unpleasant chemical smell and the purchase of such products is best avoided.

When choosing items for a dog’s games, you need to consider:

  • Their strength, so that the animal does not bite them on the first day.
  • The size of the pet.
  • Characteristic features of the toy. For example: balls for dogs are made:
  1. cast, which are used much longer;
  2. hollow inside with a squeaker, usually animals prefer products with mounted squeakers.

Balls are taken:

  1. embossed;
  2. smooth;
  3. equipped with "spikes", but in this case it is necessary to check that the dog could not nibble, and then swallow the spike.
  • Dogs have a special weakness for “bobbin” toys. For their manufacture, usually, a durable rope is taken with rubber or even edible toys that are strung on it. But choosing such a product, you need to make sure the reliability of the rope, its strength, otherwise the dog will gnaw it and eat small ropes.
  • You can also buy a soft toy so that the animal takes it and carries it in its teeth. In this case, the item must be strong enough, and the main parts of the product are securely sewn. Small items on the toy must be removed immediately.

Tip: A dog should not have access to all toys at once - it will quickly lose interest in them.Items should be given out gradually and alternated from time to time. Corrupted immediately need to be replaced with new ones.

How to make toys for dogs and puppies yourself

Toys intended for dogs serve a very short time, and he likes to quickly destroy him with a liking, without leaving a whole place on it. To save money and better quality, products can be made independently.

For instance:

  • For the puzzle of the ball will be required:
  1. ball for playing tennis;
  2. scissors;
  3. dry food.


  1. an incision of about 2 centimeters is made along the line of the picture on the ball;
  2. a small amount of dry food is poured inside the ball.
  • Plastic people.

To make them you will need:

  1. two plastic candy cans of different sizes;
  2. caps for plastic bottles - 4 pieces;
  3. piece of rope;
  4. knife or awl.

Manufacturer's instruction:

  1. four holes are drilled in a large-diameter bank — two near the neck in the bottom parallel to each other;
  2. holes are drilled in the covers for the passage of rope in them;
  3. the rope is cut into 4 equal parts;
  4. a piece of rope is threaded into each cover and tied at the end;
  5. the other end of the segment is threaded into the hole in the bank and tied;
  6. the second can is sealed with the first.
Funny little man for dogs
Funny little man for dogs
  • Homemade cords.

You can make several cords for your animal. For this:

  1. pieces of fleece are prepared. Such material is soft enough to prevent injury to the teeth and gums of the animal;
  2. the segments are cut into several strips about 2 centimeters wide;
  3. braid weaving "lotus".
Lotus weaving pattern
Lotus weaving pattern
  • Stuffed Toys.

It could be:

  1. bone;
  2. heart.

For manufacturing you will need:

  1. pieces of dense fabric;
  2. for stuffing any material;
  3. threads of good quality;
  4. scissors;
  5. durable needle;
  6. pencil.

The shape of the toy can be chosen arbitrarily.

To do this, you must:

  1. draws with a pencil on the wrong side of the material the outlines of the future part, leaving allowances of 1.5 centimeters at the seams;
  2. the toy consists of two parts;
  3. to get their uniform shape, the fabric should be folded in half and cut both parts at once;
  4. if the craft will have a complex shape, it is better to fasten the pieces of fabric with pins;
  5. details from the inside are sewn together, leaving a small hole for stuffing;
  6. the product is inverted;
  7. stuffed with filler;
  8. the hole is sutured, bending the edge slightly inward.

Tip: When choosing a filler, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the toy.

The best option for the filler - flaps of cotton fabric. A dog will gnaw a toy in any case, and there will be less harm to the animal from cotton that will be eaten than from polyester or cotton wool. The product can be stuffed with dry rice, which will be the safest option for puppies, and rustling things for babies will become especially interesting.

  • Educational toys can be made from ordinary socks.
Sock toy
Sock toy

Yellow boxes from Kinder surprise are inserted into the sock. But you should make sure that the dog does not swallow the rest of the sock, which can cause digestive problems.

Toys can be made very different, designed for games and training. In more detail the performance of all the work will be shown by the video. But most importantly, the owners of their dogs should not forget that even expensive toys can never replace the pet's communication with the owner. You need to pay attention to the dog, and the use of toys is an additional entertainment.

Visitors Comments
  1. Alexei

    The dog is a smart animal and she perfectly understands when she is guilty. Guilt can be played in this case. Gnawed on the wallpaper, feels guilty - make the guilt stronger. Do not pay attention to the dog for a while, treat it with coolness, do not respond to its love. The dog will understand why you behave this way and stop doing it wrong. Psychology even works here, good luck. 🙂

  2. Victoria

    We, too, weaned our Doberman for a long time, and sprayed and locked and punished with water. Spray repellent with compressed air helped, they bought in themselves with a mustache. Now our Archik, only attacks toys))) although the game with balls went well - a blaster, now he will hesitate and gnaw on the balls.

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